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Alpiq as a Corporation

At 31 December 2023, the parent company Alpiq Holding Ltd., domiciled in Lausanne, Switzerland, had a share capital of CHF 331,103.64, divided into 33,110,364 registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 0.01 each.

The share register contains the following details of share ownership:


Alpiq Holding Ltd. is fully controlled by Schweizer Kraftwerksbeteiligungs-AG (SKBAG), the Consortium of Swiss Minority Shareholders (KSM; consisting of EBM (Cooperative Elektra Birseck), EBL (Cooperative Elektra Baselland), Eniwa Holding AG, Aziende Industriali di Lugano (AIL) SA, IBB Holding AG, RES (Regio Energie Solothurn) and WWZ AG) and EOS Holding SA (EOS).