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Commissioning of a new low-head turbine

Martigny-Bourg - Today, Forces Motrices de Martigny-Bourg (FMMB) officially commissioned Switzerland's first very low head (VLH) turbine. Installed in the tailrace of the Martigny-Bourg run-of-river power plant, the new turbine will generate some 850,000 kWh per year, equivalent to the average annual consumption of almost 200 households. It will therefore optimise the hydropower available on the site, with no additional impact on the environment.

After five months' work, Forces Motrices de Martigny-Bourg (FMMB) is commissioning a new low-head turbine. The waters of the Dranse, turbined in the Martigny-Bourg run-of-river power station, are now being used a second time to generate electricity in the tailrace. "The installation of this new low-head turbine maximises the use of available water resources, while respecting the environment. This project demonstrates our commitment to sustainable innovation and the energy transition," says Georges-Alain Zuber, Director of the Martigny-Bourg power plant.

More production with no additional impact on the environment

The first of its kind in Switzerland, the VLH (very low head) turbine installed at Martigny-Bourg is a standardised product. It turbines between 1.25 and 10.2 m3/s of water, depending on the flow of the Dranse, for a head that varies between 2.0 and 2.5 metres high. The new turbine's annual output is estimated at 850,000 kWh. This is in addition to the 89 million kWh already produced by the plant's three existing generating units.
The project fits in perfectly with the site's environment, and has no additional impact on it. Its operation will have no influence on the plant's existing facilities.

A long-planned vision for the future

FMMB's shareholders - the municipalities of Bovernier (23.04%), Sembrancher (18.72%), Martigny (17.22%), Martigny-Combe (15.58%) and Vollèges (1.64%), as well as Alpiq (18%) and FMV (5.8%) - began planning the project to turbine water from the power station's tailrace in 2011, when work was being carried out to refurbish the power station. Planning permission was obtained in 2016. Already benefiting from cost-covering remuneration, which encourages the production of electricity from renewable sources, the project has been included in the Confederation's renewable energy incentive programme in 2019 - a decisive step towards the project's realisation. Due to fears of power shortages during past winters, work was postponed and finally started in February 2024. It was completed in June, and the turbine entered the test phase at the end of July. It has been officially in service since 30 September 2024. 


For more information on the Martigny-Bourg power plant: